Saturday, May 28, 2011

You choose to leave me?

I've been thinking about something.
It's annoys me. A lot.
At first, rasa macam nak pendamkan je. Biar jadi pekasam.

Tapi untuk tidak terus memikirkannya, aku pilih untuk luahkan dekat blog.
It's such a shame but who cares?
Everybody talks about love. So do I.
Yeah, ni entry pasal cinta.
Dan persahabatan.

[kita tak selalu dapat apa yang kita nak]

Aku dah bosan asyik cerita soal cinta. Tapi aku tak dapat lari darinya.
Aku selalu cakap aku akan gembira kalau dia gembira.
Yes, I do happy for him. But honestly, it takes time.

I need time to healed. I need time to smiled. I need time to acted like I was fine.
I cried. I screamed. I wanted him back.
At last, I get over it. I've fully recovered.
Orang cakap " luka pasti sembuh selepas beberapa ketika, tapi parut tetap ada. "
For me, NO!
There's no scars at all left in my heart.
Aku lepaskan dia tapi kami masih berkawan.

Siapa kata ex-lover tak boleh jadi kawan balik?
Siapa kata pasangan kekasih tu bila berpisah tak boleh berkawan semula?
Siapa kata?
Tell me who says that? La na na na na~
Oh serius.
[tak sangka kau buat diri kau menderita sampai macam ni sekali]

Ye, aku sangat gembira bila dia sudi at least jadi kawan aku.
Walaupun kami tak berkawan seperti sewaktu pertama kali kami berkawan.
Oh faham ke tidokk apa yang aku cuba nak sampaikan ni?
Okey, macam ni.
Gubahan bunga yang pertama, takkan sama dengan gubahan bunga untuk kedua kalinya.
Yang ni faham? Tak? Okey, Lupakan je lah.

Satu hari, salah faham berlaku.
Disebabkan salah faham tu, dia block aku dari friend list dia.
Oppss, aku tahu, aku nampak macam budak-budak.
Tapi aku kecewa.
Apa besar sangat ke salah aku sampai dia buat aku macam tu?

[I will . . not]

This is what I feel today.
I've recovered before.
It shows that I'll recover too now.

He walked away from me so many times before.
I tried so hard not to lose him.
That day, he went off from my life.
I decide not to look for him again.
I choose not to bother anymore.

If 'you' happen to read this nonsense.
I am really sorry.
From bottom of my heart.
I am tired.
I think enough is enough.
Yes, I know.
I am the one who doesn't get it till today.
Thanks for everything.
You taught me a lot.

Lagi satu.
Cukup-cukuplah tu buat perangai macam budak-budak.
Awak tu dah layak jadi ayah orang dah.
Sekian, wassalam.

footnote: I guess people are right. Ex-lover will never be friend.

click, click, click! ;)


Anonymous said...

i want to be his friend too.. but i think it will not going to work..

Qis said...

nothing to lose babe. he doesn't deserve u anyway. so chill :)