Fuhhh fuhhh. Seriyes rindu dekat blog ni. Kalau boleh, banyak benda aku nak luahkan, curahkan, kongsikan kat sini tapi takde kesempatan. Kalau online pun sekejap-sekejap je. Semester ni memang sibuk giler! Kadang-kadang nak tidur pun tak sempat. Tapi sibuk sibuk aku pun masih boleh beriang ria dengan kawan-kawan. HAHA.
Aku rasa entry ni banyak gambar je kot. Let's leave the pictures do their work k? Layan.
around 19th July. MSU nak pecahkan record untuk martial art kick and we are involved as the communities.
in the morning by 8.30 a.m. we were here to settle the registration and started the activities.
going to kitchen class at 12.30 p.m. until 8 p.m.
11.00 p.m. stay at MSU to supervised the participants (supposedly) tapi dh ramai sgt yang jaga so ktorg duduk melangok je sampai jam 3 pagi. wehooo! esoknya kul 8.30 datang balik for classes and majlis penutup. phewww, memang panda giler la mata.
around 23th July if I not mistaken. we have community service at Kg Dusun Tua. Gonna help warga emas clean while repairing the house before Ramadhan.
departure from MSU to Kg. Dusun Tua; 23 july
arrived at Kg. Dusun Tua n having our breakfast.
started the activity
having lunch n departure to MSU
28th July, it's my birthday! a surprise party from my classmates was held at ICT. Thank you guys :) i had fun <3
28 july, I was surprised at that moment. honestly, terharu sangat.
they are my brothers and sisters :D
Aku ambil kesempatan ni untuk mohon maaf kepada semua yang terasa hati dengan kata-kata dan perbuatan aku. Jarum yang patah jangan di simpan dalam peti, kalau ada (memang ada pun) silap n salah jangan disimpan dalam hati. Nanti sakit siapa yang susah? Aku jugakkk~ Okey tak lawak. so yeah, maafkan kesalahan aku ye. Aku manusia biasa yang tak lepas dari kesalahan.
And oh oh, sorry too about the previous entry. That's sooo not me! HAHA. Akan ada sambungannya nanti. InsyaAllah, kalau aku ada masa dan idea. Sorry atas kata-kata kesat yang digunakan. Hiks.
Till then, see you in heaven :) hoping you guys have a nice hari raya and good days. May Allah blessed us.
click, click, click! ;)