Aku baru je selesai mengajar subjek sains tahun lima. Sorang budak je pun. Rileks sikit la. Tadi sebelum budak ni balik, dia ngadu kat aku; "Teacher, tadi saya ajak *** datang tapi dia cakap dia tak nak. Lepas tu dia tunjuk-tunjuk rumah teacher. Lepas tu dia cakap 'ala, kalau kita datang pun bukan teacher nak ajar kita pun.'" Aku sengih je dengar budak ni ngadu. Aku cakap kat budak ni, "dia dah lama benti, tak payah ajak dia lagi."
Actually, *** tak cakap pun yang dia berhenti. Tapi aku assume *** dah berhenti. Kejap datang, kejap tak datang. Apa dia ingat aku ni kilang buat chipsmore ke hape? Eh, takde kaitan.
chipsmore, more, more
Aku tak tahu la apa benda yang *** ni tak puas hati dengan aku. Tak habis-habis nak kondem aku. Nasib baiklah kau tu budak. Tapi ayat dia memang selalu buat aku touching. Selama ni kalau dia datang aku fokus giler-giler kat dia je. Kelas dia sepatutnya habis pukul 5.00 p.m tapi aku sanggup tunggu dia siapkan latihan sampai pukul 6.30 p.m. Tu ke maksud dia aku tak nak ajar dia? Damn! Macam longkang mulut kau budak. Isk!
Eh, terkasar bahasa pula. Okey, lupakan pasal budak mulut longkang(giggles sorang2) tu. Sekarang aku nak buat tag dari my dearest friend; Jannatul Rozman :). Oh ye, Hari ni birthday dia!
happy 21st year of anniversary dear!
1.What is your full name?
Balqis Abd Rahman.
2. When is your birthday?
28th of July 1989
3. What is your father's name?
Abd Rahman.
4. What is your mother's name?
5. How many siblings do you have?
Three. Abang, me, adik lelaki.
6. Where do you live?
Kuang, many people thought Kluang.
7. What is your favourite colours?
White, purple, pink, blue, orange, ALL! Haha.
8. Still studying?
Yep. Till the end of the world.
9. Do you have bestfriend?
Of course!
10. Do you love them?
Weyh! Name pn BESTfriend :D
11. Jazz or pop?
12. Chicken or beef?
Chicken wings!
13. Coke or 100plus?
100 plus!
14. What brand is your purse?
Night market.
15. How much do you have in your wallet now?
A dead butterfly.
16. High heels or flat?
Heels suit me better.
17. Skirts or jeans?
18. Shirt or blouse?
I can say, both.
19. Watch or bracelet?
Watch from him. White in colour. Eh, tak tanya ek?
20. Favourite watch's brand?
Don't know. Didn't think of any.
21. Do you have a girlfriend?
So many of them. Love, xoxo
22. Do you have a boyfriend?
So many of them.
23. Do you love him/her??
I do and I still do.
24. Did you ever kiss him?
Through the phone.
25. Facebook or myspace?
26. What is your dream?
Be a good daughter to my parents, a good teacher to my students, a good wife to my future husband, a good mother to my future kids, a good friend to my friends, and last yet the most important, a good muslim.
Terliur pula tengok chipsmore tu. Nak cari biskut ah kat dapur. Chow kit!
thanx for the wish syg..
luv ya!
luv u too!
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